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Bible Unbound is a 501c3 organization. All gifts are tax deductible.
Why We Need You 🫵
One may ask, “Shouldn’t all of this be free?” – I respond: I wish! But every image you see, every sound you hear, every book needed to complete the research comes with a cost. Some are big costs, some are small costs. Each is a sacrifice. Even I (Austin) am solely responsible for researching, writing, producing, filming, editing, and distributing every video – a big job that takes a lot of time. That is why, right now, Bible Unbound is small. But with your generosity, Bible Unbound can grow! With your support, more team members will be added, higher quality images used, better editing softwares utilized, and much more. You can view our ministry impact report below for more details on how. But if you’re ready to help fund our mission to explore the Bible and discover the Gospel, then visit us on Patreon.
To learn more about Bible Unbound, please visit us on our About Us page or…
*checks payable to Bible Unbound at PO Box 26933 Milwaukee, WI 53226